Wednesday, July 9, 2008


According to CNN, John Edwards is definitely on the short list to be Senator Obama's running mate. Edwards said that he wouldn't rule out running for VP a second time.

When asked about the vice pres possiblities John Edwards said Tuesday,“My answer to that is, I’ve run for vice president, I’ve run for president twice. I would do anything that I felt I could do to serve this country but I think it’s a huge presumption for me or anybody else to suggest what Senator Obama may decide,” he said.

“To answer your question directly: I don’t expect to be asked, have no expectation about it at all, I will – anything that Senator Obama asks me to do, including this, including campaigning for him, I intend to do, because what I’m going to do, I intend to take seriously,” he added. “What I intend to do is everything in my power, use everything in my power to make sure that he’s the next president."

I personally believe that it would be a good look for those two to run together, no offense to Hillary. I think that John Edwards has a likablity that I think Hillary hasn't tapped into yet. Plus the Clintons come in pairs of two. You can't have one without the other.

But, it could be just me. What do you think?

Of all the current presidential candidates, single women would most like to see Barack Obama naked, followed by John Edwards as their second choice, according to a January 2008 survey by Engage. Hmm, very interesting.