So I was watching the VMA's last night (MTV's Video Music Awards) and after about an hour I new that there would nothing really worth live blogging about. After the awards were over, I said "Was there anything that hot about the VMA's worth even doing a post about?" So I thought about it....Thinking.. Still Thinking..
Oh yeah, there was a hott performance and song with T.I. featuring Rihanna.. So here it is.. Oh and I'm not going to mention how someway Brittany Spears won three awards.. It's like Beijing all over again..cause you know she was paying someone under the table. She does have enough cash to pay MTV off to revive her career. But that's just me, what did you think about Brit getting all those awards and the VMA's. I'd love to hear what you got to say.
Yeast Infection No More Review
2 days ago
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