Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Intellect..Hillary Puts on for Denver...

Alright, she finally said, her last and final piece..I think. Here's how it went down.

Democratic National Convention: Day 2

Some of her statements that stuck out with me:

"Barack Obama is my candidate. And he must be our president."

"We are on the same team, and none of us can sit on the sidelines. This is a fight for the future. And it's a fight we must win."

"No way. No how. No McCain."

Former Govenor Mark Warner of Virgina also spoke and had some intresting things to say:

"Two wars, a warming planet, an energy policy that says, 'Let's borrow money from China to buy oil from countries that don't like us.' How many people look at these things and wonder what the future holds for them? Their children? Their country? How many?"

"You know, America has never been afraid of the future, and we shouldn't start now. If we choose the right path, every one of these challenges is also an opportunity. "

I really felt that Hillary was ginuine in her speech and make a good attempt create some unity in the Democratic party. Hillary and Barack will definitley have to put in some more work to really sell the Hillary supporters.

How do you think Hillary did? Did she come off ginuine and sincere? Did she do her job of uniting the party? Hit me up and let me know.

Suga HiL